
(Merry Thoughts Bragadosious x Merry Thoughts Dreaming Of Roses)

Opie is a handsome young dog with correct conformation and a kind, gentle Springer Spaniel disposition. He is a laid back sweet boy. Handsome in every aspect. He will be starting his show career soon.

CERF normal, OFA hips excellent

(BIS Am,Can Ch Wynmoor N Brydon's Once Upon A Time x Ch Keypoints Cover Girl)

Chase is a new young star at Merry Thoughts. His first year in the show ring he was a multi Best Puppy In Group winner and a Canadian Champion. He has a bright future as a show dog and sire of champions!

PRA clear, CERF normal, OFA Hips & Elbows to come later

(BIS BISS Beswin Ynot Triple Play x Merry Thoughts Lil Miss Perfect)

Rudy is a handsome liver and white male. Sired by a multi Best In Show winner. He himself has been lightly shown but with good results. Winning both his age class and sweepstakes class at the National Specialty in Canada. He will be shown more in the future.

Cerf’d Clear, OFA Hips Good, Elbows Normal


(BIS BISS Ocoee N Pawmarcs Twice Bedazzled By Magic x Can Ch Ocoee Legendary Im So Fancy)

Casey is just getting ready to start his show career.He has an impecable pedigree. He is sire by a Best in Show winner and out of a Canadian champion. He is a very handsome sweet dog.

Cerf’d Clear, PRA Carrier, OFA; Hips Excellent & Elbows Normal




(Am Ch Avonleahs Tradewinds Traveler x Am Ch Majics Doest Do And Away You Go) x am ch Majics Tru Grit cd

Bernie is a handsome example of an English Springer Spaniel. He has striking good looks, a kind expression and that typical  springer “happy go lucky” attitude. His pedigree is a nice blend of Esspecial , Pawmarcs and Majic breeding.  A gentleman in the house and a fancy show dog in the  ring. In 2011 Bernie completed his Canadian Championship in two weekends out with excellent wins. Going BOW for a 5 point major at the Alberta Kennel Club Show. Then  finishing with a” SPORTING GROUP ONE” at the WKKC show!  Bernie  also has a Puppy Group One win in 2010.

Pointed in the USA . Bernie will be shown state side as he works towards finishing his American Championship.

2010 Cerf clear
Hips OFA Good #EN-12753G24M-VPI


Carson at 2 years old

Best in Show Brace

"Carson cross country jumping" photo by Mac Stevenson

(ch Gentry's Highfalutin x ch Gentry's Goddess)x ch Gentry's Skywalker

Carson  is the epitome of the happy go lucky springer. It is this joyful attitude that makes him so much fun to show and why he has been successful in the show ring. He is a cobby moderate dog with correct conformation and wonderful spaniel type and sports excellent movement. His pedigree is filled with influential springers of the breed.His sire Cache is an american champion and specialty winner, who is a son of ESSFTA Reserve Show Sire Of The Year and a BISS winner ch Gentry n Roselane Incognito. His dam,Luna won the open bitch class at the prestigious ASC show and is Gentry's 80th champion. She is a daughter of the 2007 ESSFTA Reserve Show Sire Of The Year  ch Gentry's Skywalker.
Carson finished his championship amature handled. He is a group 3 placing dog,multiple BIS brace winner,Mutli BOB winner  He also has a specialty placement in the USA. A testament to his disposition Carson has also earned his Canine Good Neighbour award.

Carson is CERF clear 2007,2008 and OFA prelimb hip good 



CH MERRY THOUGHTS TOO MANY TOYZ  4,15,09  black / white tri
(ch. Gentry's Outlandish cgn x ch Saltairs Dancing Up a Storm) x BIS Salilyns Turbulance

A beautiful black tri colored male. Monti has wonderful spaniel type   and that enthusiastic friendly springer personality. His pedigree is  of Gentry breeding on the top  crossed onto Salilyn  and Serinade lines on the bottom. In the show ring he has had excellent results. He is a multiple Best Of Breed winner. In 2011 Monti went Reserve Winners Dog at the  Canadian National Specialty. Then, the following day went Best of Winners at he Alberta Kennel Club Show. For a 5 point major to finish his Canadian Championship!

Monti is co owned and shown by Wendy Pros.



(BISS AM/CAN CH Besswins Commemoration x CH Saltairs Dancing Up A Storm) BIS BISS Salilyns Turbulance

Percy is a very handsome English Springer Spaniel. He is sired by a Best In Specialty Show winner and his dam is a Specialty class winner in the USA. He has excellent bone and substance with good solid conformation. Percy reminds me of the older style springers with many of the same fine qualities. He has the most gentle, friendly personality. With a wonderful soft spaniel expression.

2011 Cerf’d Clear, PRA Carrier
HIPS OFA Excellent # EN-13212E35M-VPII


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