Olivia is a beautiful example of the english setter. She is elegant in appearance with a sweet and gentle personality. Her conformation is correct and she has free and graceful movement as the standard reads. Olivia is easy to live with having a quiet disposition typical of the english setter.
She is a multi Best of Breed winner in in the USA and Canada. Olivia is a dual champion earning both her American and Canadian Championships.
Olivia is sired by BIS BISS GCH Artizoe High Caliber. “Hector” was 2009 Number One English Setter in the USA and the National Specialty Best Of Breed winner .
Her dam is GCH Trendsetr’s Miss Magical Star. Heidi is a blending of Wyndswept, Set’r Ridge and Stagedoor breeding.
Health Clearances ; OFA BAER Normal OFA Hips Good Eyes Cerf'd clear 2009, 2010
